Friday, October 8, 2010

About our stay in Cyprus

 Here are some answers for question you may or may not have.

We will be staying here for 6 months, until April, but we will get back to Sweden around Christmas and possibly New Year's, as the Cyprus office is closed at this time. While we're gone there will be a girl who's renting our apartment, she moved in Friday so me and Seb have been staying with our parents between Friday-Wednesday. Both me and Seb will be working, we're doing the same job as in Sweden; Seb is a salesman coach and I work with the administration around telemarketing. I will be studying as well, I start my second step of the Swedish classes on Monday, and they will go on until December. The rest of the time I will only be working. The great thing about working here instead of Sweden is of course the weather, but also the fact that we're switching from the highest taxes in Europe, to the lowest!

Feel free to ask if you're curious of anything else! I will start blogging more seriously as soon as I got my camera cord back (mum sent it today so it will arrive next week!), until then you'll have to deal with old pictures and Photo Booth ;)


  1. aaah im jealous ;_; your stay in cyprus sounds so awesome already!<3

  2. Haha yeah, it's pretty awesome, but when I think about it, it actually has more cons than pros, it's just that good weather is such a big pro in my opinion that it adds up :P

  3. hur är det i cypern med allmänna platser osv då? intressant att veta då de har lägst skatter :)

  4. Haha det är inte bra, man märker ju att vad som är bra med hög skatt som vi har i Sverige, skulle inte vilja ha det som här hemma, men att man kan åka bort och tjäna lite extra en stund är nice, och jag har ju försäkringar och sånt där så jag överlever ju om jag blir sjuk ;)

  5. How did you get your jobs? :) I would really like too do something similar.

  6. My boyfriend got it for me (we work at the same office), I guess you could contact some telemarketing office in your area and see if they need help with these kind of things? Of course it's not very likely that you would get to work in another country, I just got to go here because they wanted my boyfriend to coach the cyprus office and he refused to go unless I could come as well ^_^'
